Sunday, March 22, 2020

Where Can You Train to Become a Food Technologist

Where Can You Train to Become a Food Technologist The Best Places for Food Technologist Training ChaptersThe All-Important DegreeGaining Experience Through ApprenticeshipWhile You’re Waiting…You may not be aware of a food-related scandal that struck China in 2008, caused by unsuspecting parents purchasing powdered milk and infant formula cut with melamine.More than 50,000 babies were hospitalised after drinking the contaminated milk and 16 died of kidney damage caused by the tainted product.If ever a case underscores the need for food technologists, China’s milk scandal would be it, especially as the 2008 incident was not the first time an unscrupulous food maker with an eye toward profit put the public in danger.Four years before, a different Chinese maker and distributor of infant milk powder had tampered with the formula, causing 12 babies to die of malnutrition.Thanks to the work of food technologists, events such as those are few and far between.Joining the ranks of those who will combat food fraud that puts the public’s health â€" nay, their very lives! at risk is commendable.To get you started, your Superprof wants to help you find every opportunity to train in your metier by finding the best places for you to round out your undergraduate education in food science. You too would be excited if you had just earned your food chemistry degree! Image by robtowne0 from PixabayLucky for you â€" and for the public at large, several fine universities around the country have an undergraduate program that will qualify you to work in the food industry; we listed them in our article about becoming a food technologist.What we didn’t expound on in that article was which degree program you should choose to position yourself optimally for the area of food technology that most interests you. Let’s do that now, shall we?A food nutrition and health degree will qualify you to work more with the public, maybe as a dietitian or a nutritionist.With such a degree, you may also work in a food processing plant as a quality assurance specialist, making sure that the food quality is not sacrificed to manufacturing efficiency.A food safety and quality management degree covers the same areas as the food nutrition and health degree but adds management concepts to their cu rriculum.Are you curious about what subjects are covered in the standard food technology curriculum?Such a degree would be perfect if you had your sights set on working in a food production plant, overseeing a team of food technologists and maybe developing and testing new food products.The degree that carries by far the most weight and would open the most doors is the food science/technology degree.By choosing food science as your major, you are in effect granting yourself the keys to the entire food science and technology realm.While still at the undergraduate level, you may take advantage of your school’s work-study program; many UK schools offering a food science technology degree make them a part of their curriculum.Why stop there? You could slide right into their graduate program, specialising in developing sustainable food research or food analysis.We’re letting our enthusiasm and excitement run away with us, of course. You may have neither time, means or inclination for any graduate programs. There is nothing wrong with that.Just know that, unlike other career fields you can enter directly after you’ve finished school, food science is a vocation that you must gain some experience in before you would be considered for a position.A Word on HNDsIf you are currently contemplating your options in nutrition and food with your Higher National Diploma in hand, you may rest assured that it will qualify you to enter the field of food science and nutrition… with a caveat.Your area of study must be relevant to the discipline in question.That means that, if your HND was awarded by The Confederation of Tourism and Hospitality, that is proof that you have received some education in food handling in the culinary industry.However, if you have an HND awarded by, for example, the Business and Technology Education Council (BETC) and have done no further studies, you may find it difficult to land a quality position in food manufacturing based solely on that one cre dential.To that end, your Superprof suggests taking a few elective courses relevant to the field of food technology: life sciences, physical sciences â€" especially chemistry, mathematics and even nutrition would boost your chances.Your turn to chime in: what, exactly, is a food technologist? In the UK, virtually all careers in food start with an apprenticeship Image by Rico Robinson from PixabayGaining Experience Through ApprenticeshipWho wouldn’t want to emulate Leonardo da Vinci?The most diversely talented human in history, he who is widely considered to be humanity’s prime example of universal genius was apprenticed to the leading painter and sculptor of Florence.But we needn’t resort to Renaissance Italy for examples of long experience with apprenticeships; our own tradition of learning a trade under the tutelage of a master dates back to around the 11th century.It is a tradition that still carries on today and, if you were looking for a way to break into the food sciences industry, an apprenticeship would be a sure bet.Especially when working with foods, a regimented programme that provides a guiding hand is essential â€" not just because of the potential for harm to the public but because of the skills required to do the job capably.Those skills include:numer acy and problem-solving skillstime management and organisational skillsan awareness of the consumer marketknowledge of the food industryknowledge of food product developmentunderstanding and conducting sensory evaluation activitiesan understanding of the food system as a wholeworking comfortably in a science laboratorycultivating attention to detailan interest in science as it applies to food and nutritionAs you can see, this list of skills is a blend of professional competences and personal characteristics that can only be cultivated over time, under the guidance of a seasoned veteran attuned to the science and industry of food.The good news is that, contrary to other countries that do not have the longstanding tradition of apprenticeship that we have, there are loads of opportunities to find just such a position here, in the UK.You only need to research the Institute for Apprenticeships website to find your internship opportunity.Considering the far-reaching consequences human foo d systems have, don’t you think it is a good idea to spend a couple of years learning about the science of food and food ingredients?Especially before your career choice places the weight of potentially affecting human health entirely on your shoulders? While you are working towards your food science degree, try to get experience in the food industry Image by Olle August from PixabayWhile You’re Waiting…Let’s say that your Superprof has overshot the mark.You are neither at university trying to choose the electives that will best complement your science degree, nor are you looking for career opportunities just yet.In fact, you may be preparing for your GCSEs… in which case, you don’t need to know about apprenticeships or which major to choose, and membership in the Institute of Food Technologists is definitely off the radar.Still, you’re interested in food engineering and you want to know more about nutrition and food science.If that is you, we strongly encourage you to cultivate an interest in the physical sciences with an eye toward microbiology studies.Conversely, if you’d rather design the equipment used in food processing operations, you may lean more toward maths with an eye toward engineering studies.The great th ing about the food industry is that it is so very broad and it needs keen minds like yours that are attuned to global food trends: growing it, processing it and transporting it.We daresay that the field is about to blow wide open. Consider, for a moment, the environmental challenges of growing enough food to feed an ever-increasing population.Challenges such as those â€" the ethical ramifications of genetically modified organisms in our food systems and the human health implications of chemical treatments on livestock as well as in the fields…Even if you don’t intend to study food microbiology, there is still plenty of room for you in the sub-field you are keen to enter.In fact, you can declare your interest right now, by finding part-time work in a food concern.If you live in a rural area, you may volunteer your services at a dairy farm or any other agricultural venture. If you live in an urban area, you may work in food service â€" anything from your favourite fish’n’chips shop to being kitchen staff in a high-end restaurant.Career advisors all agree: if you are set on becoming a food technologist, any kind of experience in the food industry is a bonus.That makes things very simple: no matter what level you are, try, as soon as possible, to gain access to the food industry. Cultivate your knowledge of human nutrition, food security and food service at every opportunity.Choose your university degree plan and electives to complement the area of the food industry that most interests you… and then, the sky’s the limit for you!Now take in our complete guide to becoming a food technologist…

Friday, March 6, 2020

Algebraic Equations

Algebraic Equations Algebraic equations are those expressions which consist of one or more variables. If we solve the equation we will get the value of the variable and if we put one variable value in the equation we will get the other variable that is present uin the equation. If the degree of the equation is one then it is an algebraic equation, if the degree of the equation is 2 then it is a quadratic equation, if the degree of the equation is 3 then it is a cubic equation and if the degree of the equation is more than 3 then it is called as a polynomial equation. We can find out the nature of the roots of the equation with the formula b^2 4ac which is known as the discriminant. We can convert the word problems into the algebraic equations and then can simplify it to find the solution. Let us discuss algebraic equations with some of the examples. Example 1: A person has $20 in her piggy bank how much he needs to buy a toy of $ 50? Solution: Now let us consider the amount required by the person as x then we can write the equation as 20 + x = 50, x = 30. Example 2: If we multiply a number by 2 and add 8 then we will get 32 then find out the number. Solution: Let us consider the number as x. Using the given information we can write the algebraic equation as 2x + 8 = 32 if we solve then x = 12.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

4 Tips for B-School Group Projects

4 Tips for B-School Group Projects In business school, group projects are a way of life. Most of your core classes and many of your electives will involve assignments where you must work in teams to get the job done. With so many ambitious, driven personalities in one environment, how can you work together cohesively? How can you make the experience less antagonistic and more enjoyable? Tips for tackling business school group projects include identifying the strengths in your group, deciding on the projects goal, and devising a plan. When taking on b-school group projects, dont panic. Here are four tips to memorize now: 1. Discuss the project with your b-school group members Even though your professor may have discussed the project in class, and even though the project may be clearly outlined in your syllabus, each of your group members may have a different interpretation of what the project entails. Listen to each persons perspective on the project, as well as the ideas he or she has for executing it. Dont be afraid to share your own ideas too. You may not necessarily wish to lead the project, but steering the direction of the conversation in a productive manner will help to generate a positive experience. [RELATED: 4 Questions to Ask Your First MBA Professor] 2. Identify the strengths of your b-school group Next, figure out who is good at what tasks. Then determine what each person actually wishes to do. Its important to note that these might not be the same things. For instance, your group member with a financial consulting background may have a talent for creating spreadsheets. However, she may be attending business school to transition into a career in marketing, and would thus prefer to construct the PowerPoint presentation. Insisting that she spend all of her project time managing information in Excel may not yield the best results. Instead, jointly decide what roles your project requires and who would be the best fit for them. 3. Decide on your b-school groups goal Ensure everyone is on the same page about what you wish to accomplish with this b-school group project. One classmate may hope to achieve the highest grade possible in order to maintain his GPA, while also using this opportunity to make connections in a new industry. Conversely, another classmate may hope to get the project done as quickly as possible, so that she can concentrate on recruiting season. Your group should come to a consensus on your goals for the project. Set expectations for the time, effort, and deliverables each person will contribute in order to minimize tension and confusion while you work together as a team. [RELATED: The 2 Soft Skills You Need for Business School] 4. Make a plan for executing your b-school group project As a group, answer the following questions about your project: Who is going to do what? What is the deadline for each part of the project? Where are we meeting? When are we meeting? How are we going to turn in the project? Write down the answers to all of these questions so that each person can understand what needs to get done. This doesnt necessarily mean that everything will go smoothly in completing the project. But writing down a plan of action will provide an organized framework. [RELATED: How Students Can Improve Their Research Skills] Overall, clear communication is the key to executing a successful group project in business school. First, discuss the project. Second, identify the strengths of your individual team members. Third, determine what the goal of the project is. Fourth and finally, devise a plan of action so that each person is aware of the expectations for the project. By following these four tips, you will be able to conduct your b-school group project in an effective and efficient way. Any topics you want to know more about? Let us know! The Varsity Tutors Blog editors love hearing your feedback and opinions. Feel free to email us at

From Toy Pianos to Ukes Gift Ideas for Musically-Inclined Kids

From Toy Pianos to Ukes Gift Ideas for Musically-Inclined Kids Megan L. Would you love to give your child the gift of music? Introducing music into the life of your child provides an array of benefits, from the sheer joy of music to improved coordination, social and verbal skills, core competency skills, and more. From toy pianos for kids to technological fun, there are a variety of ways to introduce music into the life of a child. Pass the love of music on to your child with these great gift ideas: Toy Pianos Keyboards From stomping piano dance mats to mini baby grands with microphones, you can’t beat tickling the ivories for having a little musical fun with your kids. What’s more, toy pianos for kids can teach a multitude of skills, from focus and commitment to the confidence that comes from learning notes and playing their first song. Keyboard skills can build coordination and hand strength as well as spatial cognitive skills that help with math later in life. Drum Sets, Bongos, More What kid doesn’t love whacking things? Add a stick and double the pleasure! Beyond the sheer fun factor, percussion instruments have a lot to offer, including increased physical stamina and better coordination. They also aid children academically, improving concentration, increasing the brains development, and complimenting core studies. Go pro with a 5-piece drum set with cymbals, or go light on your wallet â€" and the gear â€" with Paper Jamz drums. There are also an array of percussion options for babies and toddlers as well, including the fun and saliva-proof Nino by Meinl Fruit Shakers and Melissa Doug Band in a Box. Special note: Sound-proof room not included! Guitars, Violins, Things With Strings String instruments help with upper body strength, flexibility, coordination, and fine motor skills. Some instruments, such as violins, can also improve posture. Like other musical instruments, string instruments also improve memory, self-discipline, attention span, and focus, in addition to boosting intellectual and creative development. From inexpensive and simple electronic violins and guitars for little tykes, to Paper Jamz guitars, lap harps, ukuleles, and inexpensive starter instruments for older children interested in lessons, you and your kids will be happily plucking away in no time. Wind Instruments From simple and inexpensive harmonicas and recorders  to Bontempi’s array of inexpensive, color-coded wind instruments including saxes, trumpets, clarinets, and more, wind instruments enhance lung and diaphragm function, decrease respiratory ailments, improve hand and eye coordination, and improve finger dexterity. Want something fun and different for younger children? Go for Quercetti’s Saxoflute for a variety of build and play fun from this 16-piece interchangeable set. Musical Games Don’t neglect the benefit of musical games and board games for improving memory recognition, pitch recognition, and more! From old favorites like Simon  to new additions like Nino Percussion Shake ‘N Play Memory Game  and Spontuneous, musical games offer fun for the entire family. Music Apps Take advantage of music exploration apps for younger children like Monkey Tunes, Musical Me!,  Maximus Musicus, and Little Star. Learn pitch with Blob Chorus Music Education. Compose your own music with TonePad and  GlowTunes. Learn notes the fun way with NoteWorks Note Reading Game. Try your luck with toy pianos or enhance piano skills with MiniPiano, Magic Piano HD, PianoTrainerHD,  Dust Buster Music Ed, Inversion Invasion, Piano Sight Reading HD, and many more. Blow em away with wind instrument apps like  Recorder Master.  Rock out with drum apps like Monkey Drum and  Rhythm Sight Reading Trainer, or guitar apps like Guitarist, Kasey’s Guitar Jams Play-Along Guitar Book, and Wild Chords. And theres many more out there… Just search ‘music education apps! The Gift of Music Itself Playing music for your child, whether that means purchasing CDs, downloading individual songs, or simply streaming music, is important for introducing children of any age to the joys of music. Opt for a variety, from classical symphonies to folk, jazz, rock, and more. There are many groups out there that create music specifically for kids, and these can be great stocking stuffers. Finally, if your child is a bit older, consider signing him or her up for music lessons.  Private, one-on-one lessons with a great teacher and the instrument of your childs choice can help foster a lifelong relationship with music. Incorporate the joys of music into the life of your child. Making music a part of your daily world with musical toys and gifts will foster a love of music in your child that will last a lifetime. There is no better gift you can give! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of prescreened teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for safe, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher Photo  by  smoorenburg

Calculus Practice Problems Tutors

Calculus Practice Problems Tutors Calculus Practice Problems are the very effective means to have sound knowledge about the method of solving calculus problems. Generally calculus problem involves two important parts. One is of differential calculus and other is of integral calculus. If we will practice calculus problems then only we will have sound knowledge of the subject and hence we can able to solve complicated problems very easily. This can be understood by the given below examples:- Example 1:- Find the derivative of the x logx Solution 1:- Given function is x logx To find: - d/dx (x logx) We know that, d/dx (x logx) = x d/dx (log x) + logx d/dx(x) Therefore, d/dx (x logx) = logx. d/dx (x) + x d/dx (logx) So d/dx (x logx) = log x + x. 1/x Therefore, d/dx Sin (2x) = log x + 1 Hence d/dx Sin (2x) = log x + 1. Example 2:- Find the integration of x + 2 dx Solution 2:- Given function is x + 2 Here we have to find the integration of x + 2 Now we know that, xn.dx = xn+1/ n+1 + c, Here c is constant of integration Therefore, x + 2 dx = (x1+1/ 1+1) + 2 x + c = x2/2+2x+c So the integration of x + 2 dx = x2/2+2x+c In this example c is constant of integration. This is the example of integral calculus.

Online Accounting Tutor - The Key To Improving Your Grades

Online Accounting Tutor - The Key To Improving Your Grades More often than not students find accounting trying and battle with the subject endlessly in order to improve their grades. They very idea of credit and debit, balancing entries and preparing trial balances could be astounding and confusing to many and in such a scenario opting for the best help there is, is the only viable option. An online accounting tutor is the popular choice for most students these days given the numerous benefits they offer. Read on to learn how an online tutor can help students improve their grades. While it isn’t quite easy to master all subjects at the first go, it is certainly possible to do so with expert help and online tutors are the best help students look up to these days. With their round the clock availability, subject expertise and experience in teaching, they offer personalized sessions that help even slow learners understand well. Also, such mediums offer demo sessions so that students can gauge the level of comfort they feel with the tutor, their teaching style and so on and only then decide to enroll for classes. For parents too, this is a huge sigh of relief as their kids can stay at home and learn and they needn’t worry about their safety or travel arrangements. On top of all this, most tutoring platforms that offer online services are pocket friendly and don’t burn a hole into one’s pocket, this is all the more attractive for parents given the other advantages the medium offers. Homework help can improve performance in exams Homework is one area where students don’t focus much and yet its very purpose is to help them understand the concepts involved. Accounting homework help can make this tedious task easy for students and help them cope with their workload and also understand the topic at hand with relative ease. Particularly in subjects like accounting, it is important to work out problems and solve trial balances and prepare balance sheets and work on various tricky problems so as to master the subject and understand its applications. Online tutors help students deal with homework and projects in a seamless manner and they get to practise a lot which is important in such subjects. Assignment is yet another area that is important from a GPA perspective and most students have a poor GPA because of bad performances in assignments. Accounting assignment help is quite important when it comes to students with poor GPAs for it helps the come up with assignments of good quality and that are plagiarism free. A student today can avail any sort of help online whether it is complete tutoring sessions, help with homework or assignments or simply doubts clarification too. This will help him/her perform better in exams as they can avail the exact kind of services that they are looking for and this in turn will help them score better marks and thus maintain a good GPA in today’s competitive academic scenario. Accounting Homework Help With Feasible Solutions from Tutor Pace

Have You Been Learning English With LOI 30 Exciting Minutes of Present Perfect Continuous

Have You Been Learning English With LOI 30 Exciting Minutes of Present Perfect Continuous Have you been improving your English with LOI lately?  Maybe youve been working on the fun New Years 10 Day Challenge.  Or, you might have just completed this great tense review, and youre ready to learn more.  Whatever your motivation, were here today to learn the present perfect continuous tense.  First well learn  when and why we use this tense.  Then, youll get a chance to practice with some fun exercises.  We always love to hear from you, so dont forget to write your answers in the comments section, and well respond!First, well take a look at the structures of present perfect continuous.  After you read each example, say a sentence of your own.Sentence(Subject)+have/has+been+(verb)ingJames has been studying.QuestionHave/has+(subject)+been+(verb)ing?Has James been studying?Negative(Subject)+have/has+not+been+(verb)ingJames has not been studying.Next, lets learn  why we use present perfect continuous.Use #1: Duration: something that started in the past and has continued unt il now(Subject)+have/has+been+(verb)ing+for+(amount of time).Q: How long has he been running?A: He has been running for an hour.(Subject)+have/has+been+(verb)ing+since (date or time).Q: How long have you been working there?A: I have been been working there since last Monday.Use #2: General: these days, recently, lately(Subject)+have/has+been+(verb)ing+(these days/recently/lately).Q: I havent seen you in a while!  What have you been doing lately?A: Ive been traveling a lot these days.THINGS TO REMEMBER:When we use lately/recently/these days, were speaking  more generally than when we give the durationWe often use contractions when speakingI have= Ive, you have=youve, we have=weve, they have=theyveIt has=its, she has=shes, he has=hesBecause this tense refers to a time until now, it suggests we can  sense (hear, see, smell, taste, feel) the result of the action.Has she  been feeling alright?  (The subject  looks sick).Have you been drinking?  (The subject smells like alcohol).Have y ou been working out a lot lately? (The subject looks fitter).We cannot use non-continuous verbs in any continuous tenses.I have been having my computer for 5 years.I have been using my computer for 5 years.Now, lets listen to examples of this tense in some popular songs.  This video gets a little repetitive, so feel free to stop it around 2:00.Your Turn!Part I.  Fill in the blanks.  Use the subject and/or verb in parenthesis.He ___ ____ _______(to wait) at her house  for 15 minutes.How long ____ ___ ____ _______(you, to wash) the dishes?Shes  lost a lot of weight.  ___ ___ ____ _______ ___(she, to work out) lately?I ____ ____ ________(to watch) the series,  The Night Of ,  a lot these days.  The neighbors ____ ____ ________(to shout) for an hour.Now, check out these examples of present perfect continuous in some classic films:Part II. Create a present perfect continuous sentence, negative sentence, or question  for each picture.  Examples: It has been snowing for 3 hours.  How long has it been snowing?  We have not been driving because of the snow.2.  3.4.5.Part III.  Continuous and non-continuous verbs.Decide whether the sentence  is correct or incorrect.  If the sentence is incorrect, replace it with a correct example.  Remember, we CANNOT  use non-continuous verbs in the present perfect continuous tense.Have  you been preferring apples or oranges lately?Example: this is incorrect because to prefer is non-continuous.  A correct sentence would be: Have you been eating apples or oranges lately?I have not been listening to much music these days.They have been hating homework since last week.We have been dating for 3 months.She has been crying for 30 minutes.Part IV.  Answer the questions about yourself.How long have you been studying English with LOI?What have you been doing recently?What kind of music have you been listening to these days?Have you been exercising much this year?Have you been watching a good TV series lately?Part V.  Schedule a cl ass with LOI to practice all youve been learning in a conversation with a friendly native speaker!

Private Tutoring at Home - How to Study Tips - Private Tutoring

Private Tutoring at Home - How to Study Tips BobbiM Sep 26, 2015 Yes, we all have more electronic gadgets than we can possible use in one day let alone at one time.  And there are very few of us that cant navigate around a keyboard.  However, when you are trying to study and learn a new topic your handwritten notes and study sheets are going to help you more than anything that youve typed. For whatever reason, one of the best ways to learn how to study is by taking pen or pencil to paper and writing out anything and everything related to your coursework, text or exam.  Theres something about that flow as I call it that makes your brain absorb and store what you are working on as well as learning at the time. So simply grab some paper, note cards, index cards and even sticky notes and use those to collect the main points or topics for whatever you are going to be writing or studying.  This extra effort even if your computer, phone or tablet are near at hand will benefit you more than you know and your grades will also reflect that as well.  And for those whose handwriting is tough, write it out once and then type it up into notes.  Or use a tablet like the Samsung Galaxy Note Pro    that comes with a stylus and can translate your handwriting into typed notes for you.  Its a more expensive option but effective as well. As weve said before, if you do this throughout the semester or year, youll be ready when exams or finals come around.  You wont have to cram or stay up for all nighters (unless you want to of course) trying to get prepped in time. If you enjoyed this post please pin it to Pinterest, share it on Twitter or Facebook and stumble it on Stumbleupon.